Measuring Integrated Thinking
NQ (iNtegrated thinking Quotient) strives to measure the maturity of integrated thinking communicated. While integrated thinking emanates and demonstrates itself via decisions, actions, performance, and outcomes, only through the means of communication it can be comprehended effectively and efficiently.
NQ Levels of Integrated Thinking Maturity
The company demonstrates an outstanding holistic and visionary approach in its governance and management through embedding integrated thinking across its various units, functions, and time perspectives
The company is much beyond others in embracing and implementing integrated thinking with developed governance and management systems and practices
A core set of features aimed at sustainable management of the company is established
Progress in embedding integrated thinking is evident and the company setting up its journey on the path to better governance for value creation
Some elements of integrated thinking are being applied
Integrated thinking is not yet approached in practice but via self-diagnosis the company becomes aware of the development areas
How NQ Works and Helps
Choose assessment type
You can make the evaluation using one of the NQ self-assessment types: Foundations, Systtems, and Practices - or any combination
Make assessment
Answer faithfully the questions provided on the ways the integrated thinking is practiced and communication in the company
Check results and find gaps
Consider the assessed integrated thinking maturity level and reflect on the reons of posssile gaps with the expectations and ideal
Create and act on roadmap
Identify the steps neccessary to embed integrated thinking with governance and management practices - and execute them
NQ Assessments
Evaluate integrated thinking maturity by reflectng on how governance and management approaches, processes, practices, and tools are consistently and thoroughly applied across and and communicated outside the company
NQ Foundations
High-level understanding
of governance maturity

Integrated Thinking Principles
Level 1: Principles

6 questions

2-5 minutes to complete
Make assessment
NQ Systems
Assessment of embedment
in senior management approaches

Integrated Thinking Principles
Level 2: Assessment

21 questions

5-20 minutes to complete
Make assessment
NQ Practices
Thorough measurement of
integrated thinking depth and breadth

Integrated Thinking Principles
Level 2: Assessment
Level 3 Operationalizing the Principles

59 questions

20-60 minutes to complete
Make assessment
Who benefits from NQ
Aimed at various stakeholders communication of integrated thinking following the integrated reporting logic establishes an accountability link and trust between the company and those who are impacted or provide the impact on the business
in search of teams which demonstrate the ability to provide for and maintain a holistic approach and mature practices in leading and managing the companies they are trusted
Business leaders
looking for major upgrade of their management systems
Professional and academic communities
who need a common platform for benchmarking and identification of best practices to research and advise on their implementation or further enhancement in the fields of corporate governance, finance, and sustainability
What is integrated thinking
International Integrated Reporting Framework
January 2021
Integrated thinking is the active consideration by an organization of the relationships between its various operating and functional units and the capitals that the organization uses or affects.

Integrated thinking leads to integrated decision making and actions that consider the creation, preservation or erosion of value over the short, medium and long term.

Integrated thinking takes into account the connectivity and interdependencies between the range of factors that affect an organization’s ability to create value over time.
Integrated thinking: A virtuous loop
June 2021
Integrated thinking is engrained in the discipline of making a deliberate and coordinated effort to connect the organization’s strategy, governance, performance and prospects.
Integrated Thinking Principles
December 2021
Integrated Thinking Principles represent a leadership and management philosophy focused on value creation over time for the enterprise and its key stakeholders. The Principles are rooted in the concept of integrated thinking, which leads to integrated decision-making and encourages the different parts of an organization to work collectively and create value over time across the variety of resources and relationships available to them.
Like any judgment-based assessment, NQ as an identified metric would not provide for a precise measurement of integrated thinking and its communication and remain static throughout the time.

But NQ as a guiding concept would assist society, investors, and business leaders in researching how to adapt – and in some cases, disrupt – the way the companies are governed and managed for multicapital value creation to the benefit of its various stakeholders.
NQ, iNtegrated thinking Quotient, Copyright © June 2022 by Ivan Topolya. All rights reserved.
International Integrated Reporting Framework. Copyright © January 2021 by the International Integrated Reporting Council (‘the IIRC’). All rights reserved.
Integrated thinking: A virtuous loop. Copyright © June 2021 by the Value Reporting Foundation. All rights reserved.
Integrated Thinking Principles prototype. Copyright © 2021 by the Value Reporting Foundation. All rights reserved.